SkyBlueEgg Araucana Chickens

Egg Color

So many people want pix of egg color. It seems there are always a few people each year who are new to the breed and think everything is all about egg color and that they will focus on just that one thing and think they can breed a Robin’s egg blue Araucana egg and corner the market on beautifully colored eggs. I may have even been guilty of that in the past myself. It won’t happen. But good luck in your pursuit. First, it has been my experience over the last few decades that an Araucana egg, cleared of all the genetic imperfections is more of a teal color than ‘blue’. So expect more of a pale turquoise color, just like the older literature states. The depth of color in eggs is very much affected by where in their laying cycle a hen is. Those first few eggs in each laying cycle will have the deepest color, gradually fading over time. It is important to remember that the antioxidant, biliverdin, which is laid down in the egg to color it is important to the hen’s own health. Excess is put in the eggs, less excess equals paler egg color. Vigor, nutrient levels, etc., affect egg color. These are just some of the variables affecting it other than genetics. I am happy with the egg color in my birds. Over the years it has become more and more consistent. The photo is from my own flock of what I picked up yesterday. These are from both, bantam and large fowl, 12 different females, all are several months into their current laying cycle. I am happy with the egg color on my birds but it is just one trait I breed for. And please remember that blue eggs don’t photograph true to color. Gold light (sunshine, light bulbs) makes them look more greenish. More important to me are type, vigor, fertility, feather color and quality, etc. So please don’t ask for photos of egg color. I, and no one I know of have birds that lay Robin blue eggs, except for actual Robins of course. Happy Valentine’s Day!