SkyBlueEgg Araucana Chickens

Today’s hatch

I have been shipping hatching eggs for a couple of weeks now. Before I started shipping I had to establish fertility in each pen. Acceptable levels in each pen increased rapidly with each candling. I started shipping when I got to 90%. This is the first set of chicks to hatch from those fertility checks and are from a pen with a tufted Blue Paint cockerel over some non-tufted black pullets. I am so pleased with the first hatch from this cross. 4 eggs fertile, 4 chicks that hatched easily with no assistance. 2 double tufted, 2 non-tufted, all rumpless except the tufted black chick that has a knub.  Color ratio is exactly what I would expect from this cross. 1 Black, 1 Blue, 1 Paint, and 1 White. If you have any eggs in your incubator right now that are from me you have some chicks out of this pen. I wish you all luck. The first hatch is very promising.

3 replies on “Today’s hatch”

I’m dying from their cuteness! Congratulations on the 90% hatch! Impressed!
What is the hatch rate if you leave it up to the hens? Just curious as I have never tried with a broody hen.

I am not sure since I breakup my broody hens but I did get a photo from a customer who has his chicks with a hen which I think may have hatched them and out of 10 he had 6 chicks hatch with a 7th that got stuck in the shell and did not make it.

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