SkyBlueEgg Araucana Chickens

Today’s hatch

I have been shipping hatching eggs for a couple of weeks now. Before I started shipping I had to establish fertility in each pen. Acceptable levels in each pen increased rapidly with each candling. I started shipping when I got to 90%. This is the first set of chicks to hatch from those fertility checks and are from a pen with a tufted Blue Paint cockerel over some non-tufted black pullets. I am so pleased with the first hatch from this cross. 4 eggs fertile, 4 chicks that hatched easily with no assistance. 2 double tufted, 2 non-tufted, all rumpless except the tufted black chick that has a knub.  Color ratio is exactly what I would expect from this cross. 1 Black, 1 Blue, 1 Paint, and 1 White. If you have any eggs in your incubator right now that are from me you have some chicks out of this pen. I wish you all luck. The first hatch is very promising.

SkyBlueEgg Araucana Chickens

Some Bantam Araucana Eye Candy

This is ‘Peanutbutter’. Some of you have already seen her on my Facebook page. I just love this pullet! Mostly I love her Araucana ‘type’. And those balanced pinwheel tufts are to die for! But I am bragging. And, I shouldn’t be – her tufts are largely a gift of chance and this unusual color was not planned – it just happened. But I couldn’t be happier with her. I do believe she is one of a kind. My little ‘Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup’ pullet. 🙂

I am so sorry I have no posted here in a while – there has just been an awful lot going on – – and we won’t talk about the elephant in the room other than ‘Stay Home – Stay Safe’ as I hope you all are.

I am going to start shipping hatching eggs next week <knock on wood> The hens must have decided Easter was the magic time to really kick into gear. I have been hatching eggs all Winter but fertility was a bit hit and miss depending on who was just starting to lay and who was shutting down for a molt. Today’s eggs candled at 90% fertility and that is excellent in anyone’s book. First shipments go out next week and of course they will be shipped in the order the deposits were received. In closing here is a pretty pen of Black Araucana pullets (breeders) that are right at point of lay. I am looking forward to seeing what they produce. I promise to not take so long to write next time. Look for more from me soon and of course – lots of pix! Thank you for reading.

Large Fowl Black Araucana Pullets